Affiliate Disclosure

This message is intended to inform our readers and partners of our intention to comply with the laws and regulations that regulate our industry.

We are subject to regulations and norms that govern testimonials, advertising, marketing, and internet interactions in other countries.

We take and accept advertising revenue, as well as other forms of sponsorship that are legal. We take compensation for any services provided.

The payment does not determine the type of material we produce. We provide accurate, honest, and unbiased facts.

When you post information about others, we aim to respect the rights of certain people in relation to what we may publish about them

.We are not attempting to impact opinions or choices. We aim to provide information and educate people.


Any advertisements that may appear on our website are not selected by any officer of the company.

We are not responsible for the advertisements you may discover on our website. It’s possible that you come across content about a certain product or service, and an ad for the same, without meaning to influence your viewpoint.

We have a high bar for quality in our online advertising and sponsorships.

We do, however, appreciate all outside assistance. Sponsored postings on our website’s sponsored pages are made without the assistance of sponsor or any other party involved.

Affiliate Links

We also have affiliate links on our website. When you click on one of these affiliate links, you’ll typically be taken to a website where you can buy something.

You are free to click on the links at your leisure. We are not liable for the quality of the goods or services you acquire as a result of clicking on the links. We do, however, get compensated for clicks on such links.

We make it a practice to disclose all of our affiliate relationships in order to provide clarity and transparency. Furthermore, the material on our sites is not dependent on such affiliate connections.

We have certain affiliate relationships as indicated below, but they do not always imply that all of the links on our sites will take you to them.

We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This is an advertisement program that provides a stream of income for sites, through affiliate marketing. We like and advertise for

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and their partners. is also a participant in other travel companies ( Booking, TripAdvisor, hotels, and more..).